Powerful File Sharing Features

Our file sharing tool offers a range of features to make sharing your files with others easy and secure.

Get Started for Free
File Sharing

Why Choose Our File Sharing Tool?

No Sign-up Required

Our free plan allows you to share files without the need to create an account. Just upload and share!

Shareable Links

Get a unique URL to share your files with anyone, no matter where they are.

QR Code Generation

Generate a QR code to make it easy for others to access your shared files on-the-go.

Supports All File Types

Share a wide range of file types, including images, PDFs, audio, video, documents, and even HTML files.

Set Expiration Date

We can keep the files forever or you can specify when the files should expire.

Password Protection

Protect your content with a optional password.

Use Cases for Our File Sharing Tool

Sharing Images

Easily share your photos, graphics, and other image files with friends, family, or colleagues.

Sharing PDFs

Convert your PDF documents to shareable links and QR codes, perfect for distributing reports, forms, or manuals.

Sharing Audio

Share your audio files, such as music, podcasts, or voice recordings, with anyone who needs access.

Sharing Videos

Easily share your video files, whether it's a presentation, tutorial, or personal footage.

Sharing Documents

Share your word documents, spreadsheets, or other types of files with colleagues or clients.

Sharing HTML Files

Share your static HTML files, such as web pages or prototypes, with others for review or collaboration.


Free Plan

$0 - No signup Required

  • No sign-up required
  • Shareable links and QR codes
  • Supports all file types
  • Maximum File size 25MB per upload
  • Custom expiration dates
  • No Ads displayed
Get Started

Pro Plan


  • Shareable links and QR codes
  • Supports all file types
  • Password protection
  • Custom expiration dates
  • Maximum File size 500MB per upload
  • Analytics for file sets
  • Ability to update or change files
  • No ads
Upgrade to Pro

Frequently Asked Questions

Our file sharing tool supports a wide range of file types, including images, PDFs, audio files, video files, documents, and even static HTML files. You can upload and share any of these file types with ease.

You can set custom expiration dates for your shared files. After the expiration date the files will be deleted and no longer available for viewing. If no expiration date is set then files are stored forever, as long as there is people accessing the files.

Yes, you can password-protect your shared files for added security. This feature is available for both free and paid plans.