Frequently Asked Questions

Free users do not have access to analytics, which include the number of views and downloads for shared files and images. For more detailed analytics and viewer information, consider upgrading to our Pro plans.

While there's no strict limit on the number of files you can share, free users are subject to a 25MB maximum file size per upload and a 14-day storage duration for the Free Plan. For unlimited sharing and longer storage, check out our paid plans.

Sharing an image as a link is simple and straightforward. Simply upload the image or images you would like to share and receive a shareable link that can be shared with anyone to directly view.

Simply upload your PDF file and with each set of files you upload, you will receive a free QR code that will lead to the PDF files uploaded. PDF to Link made easy.

If you register for an account, you will be able to password protect your links which a visitor will be required to input the password to view the files. If no password is set, or you do not register for an account, yes all links will be publicly available.

Simply register for an account and you will be able to set a password for the files you share.

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We're here to help. Contact our support team for assistance.

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